Did Blaze and Eliza enter into a legally binding contract? Discuss the validity of the contract by exploring the following concepts and applying to the facts of the case.

Writing Assignment

Thoroughly review the LEGL210 Case. Please answer the following questions in essay format. Respond to each question completely and accurately. Your essay will be judged on your ability to spot the relevant issues and capacity to present strong, analytical and logical discussions that support your conclusions.

1. Did Blaze and Eliza enter into a legally binding contract? Discuss the validity of
the contract by exploring the following concepts and applying to the facts of the
case (30 points):
Offer and Acceptance
Statute of Frauds

2. Discuss whether there was a breach of contract in this case. What are the implications of MPC’s warehouse being destroyed by lightning? (20 points)
3. Discuss how the contract between Blaze and Eliza was discharged and explain which legal remedies might be available in this case and why they are applicable
here. (20 points