Demonstrate an understanding of how to carry out accounting research projects, how to structure them, and of the methods available to gather and to analyze data, and to present results.

Can Financial Ratios Predict Bankruptcy?

  • Font size: 12 points (preferably Times New Roman or Arial)
  • Line spacing: 1.5 lines
  • References style: APA 7th edition

This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes for CW2:

1) Conduct an effective literature review with the synthesis and critical evaluation to be expected of
such an activity.

2) Demonstrate an understanding of how to carry out accounting research projects, how to
structure them, and of the methods available to gather and to analyze data, and to present results.

3) Enhance digital literacy skills by undertaking an independent review of relevant literature and
demonstrating the ability to identify key references appropriate to the chosen topic area.

Word Count

  • The word count is approximately 3,000 words for the research proposal, including the references.