In Discipline and Punish Foucault distinguishes two registers of the modern machine body: the “anatomico-metaphysical” and the “technico-political.”


In Discipline and Punish Foucault distinguishes two registers of the modern machine body: the “anatomico-metaphysical” and the “technico-political.”

Drawing on the readings covered in class ; Descartes, Leder, Schiebinger and Foucault give an account of each of these registers. Given your account, do you think they can or should be ultimately understood as separate?

  • Papers should be typed and double spaced with 1 inch margins on the top and bottom and 1 inch margins on the sides.
  • The font should be of a standard type of either 11 or 12 point.
  • Write a full, complete, grammatical sentences, and that you have logical transitions between paragraphs and between ideas.