Culture and disability : Speaking specifically about Matt.How would you handle the delicate situation and be specific about what resources would you provide Mr. Snyder?

Culture and disability

After reading about Matt, a child with ADHD [] and the three assigned articles (Elissa et al., 2018; Malkawi et al., 2020; Nahal et al., 2017) on culture and disability, respond to the following:

a. As a teacher we respond to families endeavoring to view a situation through a multiple perspectives lens, while honoring and respecting diverse viewpoints. Describe how you would approach parents/caretakers who have a child with a disability differently depending on which model they subscribe to (medical and educational models) or other beliefs they hold true to (science, religious, family, cultural beliefs).

b. Speaking specifically about Matt.How would you handle the delicate situation and be specific about what resources would you provide Mr. Snyder?

c. Include ref/citations in your post. [ref the articles that is]