Burke and Litwin (1992) define ‘organizational climate’ as being the ‘collective impressions, expectations, and feelings’ that employees currently have towards their employer. They go on to argue that policy and practice in the field of reward management plays a major role in influencing ‘organizational climate’. To what extent do you agree, and why? Justify your answer with reference to your reading and personal experience.

People Management and Development Strategies for Performance

Question 1

Burke and Litwin (1992) define ‘organizational climate’ as being the ‘collective impressions,
expectations, and feelings’ that employees currently have towards their employer. They go on to
argue that policy and practice in the field of reward management plays a major role in influencing
‘organizational climate’. To what extent do you agree, and why? Justify your answer with reference
to your reading and personal experience.

Question 2

Your Chief Executive Officer (CEO) has emailed you following a networking webinar which included a brief presentation about ‘high commitment models of HRM’. She asks you to critically evaluate the pros and cons of either adopting this model for your organization or making further use of it. Draft a 1000 word briefing paper on this topic for your CEO.

Question 3

You are asked to critically evaluate management development activity in your organization. What
are its main strengths and weaknesses? What ONE proposal would you make to improve its
effectiveness? Justify your answer.

Question 4

Write a 1000 word briefing paper for your senior management team on how your organization HR / L&D functions might usefully partner with either a major customer or a major supplier to share
good practice in respect of a current challenge.