What do you do if you look at your data file and see words or letters instead of numbers? Why is this important to do?

A1. 2.1.

What steps or actions should be taken after you collect data and before you run the

analyses aimed at answering your research questions or testing your research hypotheses?

A1. 2.2.

Why should you label the values of nominal variables?

A1. 2.3.

Why would you print a codebook or dictionary?

A1. 2.4. 

What do you do if you look at your data file and see words or letters instead of numbers? Why is this important to do?

A1. 2.5.

Why would you use the Mean function to create a variable, as we did for the pleasure

A1. 2.6.

(a) Why is it important to check your raw (questionnaire) data before and after entering
them into the data editor?

(b) What are ways to check the data before entering them? After entering them?

How many students have complete data? Identify any statistics on the
output that are not meaningful. Explain.

What is the mean height of the students? What about the average height of the same-sex parent?
What percentage of students are males? What percentage have children?

Make Sure to:

1. Attach your word document for review and grading. Other file formats are not
accepted and will not be graded. Use the following filename format:

2. Include an APA title block with your name, class title, date, and the assignment number.

3. Include a table of contents and a reference section. Number your pages in the footer

along with the date. Include a header starting on page 2 with the Course and

assignment number.

4. Write the problem number and the problem title as a level one heading (Example ‐

5. Use level two headings with short titles for multi part questions

6. Use appropriate level headings for key elements of your discussion such as Research

7. Ensure that all tables and graphs are legible and include a figure number.

8. Carefully review your document prior to submission for formatting, flow, and

readability. Keep in mind that running the statistical tests is only the first half of the

challenge; you must be able to clearly communicate your findings to the reader.

Customer files


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