Write a 1700-word practical report summarising both of the research studies conducted during your weekly workshops.

Research into Human Behavior

Coursework One Assignment Brief (Practical Report)


Write a 1700-word practical report summarising both of the research studies conducted during your weekly workshops.

Part 1: You can choose one of the two studies you want to write-up as a full 1500-word practical report.

Part 2: You will write a 200-word abstract for the second study (the one that you have not done the full report on).

Topic area

The theoretical background to each study will already be familiar, as relevant material will have been covered previously in 4002PY. The two studies are listed below:

  1. The effects of processing fluency on judgment and decision making.
  2. The role of anchoring in people’s estimates of value.

Again, choose one topic for Part 1 and the other for Part 2.

Word guide

It is suggested that you aim to write approximately 1700 words in total. You may exceed the word guide by a small amount (approximately 10% or 170 words). Word guides for the main sections of the report are as follows:

Part 1: 1500 words in total with the following breakdown:

  • Abstract: 150 words
  • Introduction: 350 words
  • Method: 300 words
  • Results: 300 words
  • Discussion: 400 words

Part 2: 200-word Structured Abstract

The Structured Abstract in part 2 should include a balance of information covering the following in clearly outlined sections: background, aim, method, results and conclusion/implications.

Referencing, plagiarism and collusion

Adopt the APA 7th edition referencing format for citations