Journal : Write a journal or diary-like entry about your life, either past or present.


Write a journal or diary-like entry about your life, either past or present.

  • Don’t think too much about it, just free write. Let it all out but write in complete sentences and try to include some sensory details (visual, auditory, or other details). Write at least two paragraphs total.

Some potential topics if you are stuck:
• Write about something you are nostalgic for.
• Write about an important experience from your past.
• Write about something or someone driving you crazy in the present.
2. Take your paragraphs and “cut them up,” rearranging the words. Don’t be afraid to form short, fragmented lines that do not entirely make sense. Combine words and ideas that do not normally go together. Try to make it different than your original entry. You may of course add or remove words to help with sound or rhythm of the poem.