Financial Management : Discuss the various risks involved if you’re an investor undertaking the 5 years defined returns plan.

Financial Management

We are in 2010. A large international investment house is launching an aggressive campaign to encourage “longterm” stock investments among private UK investors. Using information from the quotes and catalogue sections below (herein pp.36), prepare a report answering the following questions.

Marks for the various parts of the report are indicated in parentheses.

1) Discuss the various risks involved if you’re an investor undertaking
the 5 years defined returns plan. (15%)

2) Explain embedded (and type of) optionality, if any, for each of the 4
years and 6 years plans respectively. (20%)

3) Determine the value of the option embedded in the 4 years defined
returns plan, discuss input parameters and explain overall approach
(e.g. cite relevant literature, etc.). (45%)

4) If no costs are incurred by existing customers at contract
origination, under which conditions will it be appropriate to sell their 4
years defined returns plan before maturity assuming a 9.8% penalty is
deducted from the original investment? Provide examples for your