Emotional eating : Can food be addictive?Explain using examples.

Emotional eating.

Can food be addictive?Explain using examples.

Additional features

Draft required

6 pages + well-structured + cited references

The work is evaluated according to the following criteria:

● State the problem and the purpose of the work.

● A detailed and reasoned analysis of the scientific literature on the chosen topic corresponding to the aim of the work was performed.

● The conclusions are in line with the purpose of the work.

● The work is neat, done in accordance with the requirements of ethics and other written work. The writing style is smooth, with an impeccable language culture.

● References are substantiated.

(the structure and the order of ideas of the paper can be similar to this article. Citing can ONLY be from scientific research and papers not older than 2016)

Customer files

waitFor(‘initSelect2’)(function() {
requestIdleCallback(function() {

Writer icon


Hello, I am working on your paper. Kindly clarify a few things about the article structure. Do you mean I should use similar subheadings to structure my paper because it is the same topic discussed in the article. Please clarify before I begin the assignment


at 10.03.2022 18:41

Customer icon


yes please, thank you


at 11.03.2022 11:56

Customer icon


Hello dear Writer, I will clarify everything in a moment,, thank You


at 11.03.2022 11:58

Writer icon


I am waiting for your clarification


at 11.03.2022 12:01

Customer icon


Hello! Firstly, it is important to explain what is emotional eating. Then, we move on to the addiction part and how it works. After that, we combine the emotional eating and addiction and how it can be similar in some ways. I think our problem question of the paper could be if food can really be addictive. It is also important to mention not only the biological but also the psychological aspect of these two constructs.


at 11.03.2022 15:38

Customer icon


The article I sent you is only an example of the way I understand my paper structure could look like. But yes, the subheadings can be similar because I think my paper ideas should look something like that.


at 11.03.2022 15:38

Customer icon


Thank you!


at 11.03.2022 15:38
