Based on your readings, what did you come away with in regards to these epics all dealing with important religious and ethical questions about love, war, destiny, the nature of divinity and the nature of the universe? Explain your thinking.

This Unit introduced you to material ranging from amazing adventures to philosophical questioning of good and evil, divinity and destiny. You learned about the different ways that mythic, “epic” material can be handled in different civilizations. You read selections from two first century BCE epics, Roman Virgil’s Aeneid and one of two Indian epics: The Bhagavad-Gita or The Ramayana. These epics all deal with important religious and ethical questions about love, war, destiny, the nature of divinity and the nature of the universe.

Based on your readings, what did you come away with in regards to these epics all dealing with important religious and ethical questions about love, war, destiny, the nature of divinity and the nature of the universe? Explain your thinking.

– Good answers will be at least 200 words (feel free to write more!)

Read the selections from the Aeneid: Book VI (Links to an external site.) and the selections from the

(Approx. 1000-1100 words).