Define the problem, improvement activity, opportunity for improvement, the project goals, and customer requirements for NOVA CARE OCCUFLEX..



Research paper will be formatted using the Six Sigma Process Improvement model, and will include the use and discussion of multiple measurement and analysis tools (Chapter 2), and the development of conclusions and recommendations based on the project analysis. Illustrations are to be placed in the Appendix and labeled accordingly.

Research are to be submitted in Word with all appropriate items attached.

Research Outline:

Research should include the following:

  1. Introduction
  2. Literature review section
  3. DMAIC Analysis (Body of work):
    1. Define the problem, improvement activity, opportunity for improvement, the project goals, and customer (internal and external) requirements:
      • Project charter to define the focus, scope, direction, and motivation for the improvement team
      • Voice of the customer to understand feedback from current and future customers indicating offerings that satisfy, delight, and dissatisfy them
      • Value stream map to provide an overview of an entire process, starting and finishing at the customer, and analyzing what is required to meet customer needs
    2. Measure the performance.  Collect data on the current process:
      1. “Before” flowchart (Required)
      2. Process Chart (Required)
      3. Work Measurement Techniques
      4. Surveys
  1. Analyze the process to determine root causes of variation and poor performance (defects). Use data analysis tools and interpret results:
      1. Checklist (Required)
      2. Pareto Chart (Required)
      3. Cause and Effect Diagram (Required) (Place last)
      4. Histogram
      5. Bar charts
      6. Scatter Diagram
      7. Graphs
    1. Improve (Recommendations) process performance by addressing and eliminating the root causes through Process redesign.
      1. Creative solutions based on the analysis and scholarly sources:
        1. Redesign
        2. “After” flow chart (Required)
    2. Control the improved process and future process performance.  Sustain the gains!
      1. Monitoring methods
      2. Control charts
  1. Conclusions.  Be sure to include references to the literature review and process analysis tools.
  2. Appendix including:
    1. Supporting illustrations


The flowchart below displays the proper sequential use of the major graphical tools: