Epidemiology and Infectious Disease : Take one of the following infections through application of the epidemiologic triangle and describe three ways it can be prevented.

Epidemiology and Infectious Disease

Mankind’s Fight Against Infectious Disease, answer the following questions according to the online discussion guidelines/instructions and rubric from the syllabus.

Unseen Enemies (Links to an external site.) – Video https://emu.kanopy.com/video/unseen-enemies-

1) Take one of the following infections through application of the epidemiologic triangle and describe three ways it can be prevented.

  • Coronavirus (cold virus)
  • Syphilis (bacterial STD)
  • Giardia (parasite infection)
  • Dengue (vector borne)
  • Histoplasmosis (fungal)

2) Take one of the following conditions through application of the levels of prevention (primary-secondary-tertiary).

  • Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
  • Skin cancer
  • Diabetes mellitus (DM) Type II
  • Plumbism (lead poisoning)

3) Answer one of the following questions based on watching the film, Unseen Enemies: Mankind’s Fight Against Infectious Disease.

  • In what ways are malaria and yellow fever similar?
  • What is generally considered the beginning of the modern era of Tuberculosis control?
  • Describe one of the filth diseases discussed in the film.
  • Who is Typhoid Mary?
  • What was Edward Jenner’s contribution to public health?