Finance : Based on the cash flow shown over 10 years for three projects, which should be selected using the concept of IRR and Delta IRR?


Based on the cash flow shown over 10 years for three projects, which should be selected using the concept of IRR and Delta IRR?

MARR 14%

Year Project P Project Q Project R
0 $ (29,200.00) $(44,400.00) $(67,800.00)
1 $ 6,200.00 $ 8,825.00 $ 13,825.00
2 $ 8,200.00 $ 10,825.00 $ 16,825.00
3 $ 10,200.00 $ 12,825.00 $ 18,825.00
4 $ 12,200.00 $ 14,825.00 $ 20,825.00
5 $ (31,120.00) $ 11,825.00 $(24,815.00)
6 $ 12,504.00 $ (1,244.44) $ 14,825.00
7 $ 12,504.00 $ 6,618.88 $ 16,825.00
8 $ 12,504.00 $ 7,030.77 $ 18,825.00
9 $ 12,504.00 $ 7,483.84 $ 20,825.00
10 $ 12,504.00 $ 7,982.23 $ 22,825.00

 Question 2

The net cash flows for 4 machines are as shown. Match the Delta IRR with the correct values.

Year Project A Project B Project C Project D
0 $ (45,500) $ (52,900) $ (70,500) $ (90,000)
1 $ 7,200 $ 14,325 $ 8,000 $ 14,200
2 $ 9,200 $ 12,325 $ 10,000 $ 24,200
3 $ 11,200 $ 15,325 $ 12,000 $ 24,200
4 $ 13,200 $ 18,325 $ 16,325 $ 24,200
5 $ 15,200 $ 20,325 $ 18,325 $ 24,200
6 $ 17,200 $ 22,325 $ 18,325 $ 24,200
7 $ 13,325 $ 8,119 $ 21,198 $ 24,200
8 $ 15,325 $ 8,531 $ 25,301 $ 24,200
9 $ 17,325 $ 8,984 $ 29,404 $ 18,325
10 $ 19,325 $ 9,482 $ 33,507 $ 20,325

Question 3

For machines U and V, details are provided. What will be the Delta IRR and which machine should be selected?

Machine U Machine V
Initial cost $320,000 $410,000
Life in years 5 6
Inflation (for costs and benefits) 2% p. y.
MARR 7% p. y. c. y.
Project life 12 years
Salvage value of machine today $44,800 $57,400
Machine market value with 2 years of use $153,600
First year estimated costs $39,500 $53,800
First year estimated benefits $113,900 $128,435