Fitness cardio assessment :Based on your results and fitness rating, develop a Cardiorespiratory exercise program.

Fitness cardio assessment

Measure your personal level of cardiorespiratory fitness. Using the NASM protocols for cardiorespiratory assessment and the attached Labs 3.1-1 through 3.2-3, as criteria for assessment.

Assignment #4 WK6

Describe and list the results of your personal cardio respiratory assessment. Your results should include: all elements listed on the document titled “CPT7_cardio_assessment_template” including your fitness ratings. In your description of your results explain why you think you displayed these fitness rating results. Does your lifestyle contribute to your rating? Why? Why not?

Based on your results and fitness rating, develop a Cardiorespiratory exercise program.

Use the attached Assignment 4 WK6 Template to assist you with layout. Within your assignment use a combination of narrative & any templates charts/graphs that you think are appropriate.


  • The narrative of your paper should be a minimum of 3 written pages (not including title page and reference page); charts or tables will enhance your project but will not count toward your total page count.
  • Support the rationale for your thoughts and opinions.
  • Cite the sources of any definitions or ideas that are not your own using appropriate academic sources .


The writing component must meet all rules of APA formatting (7th edition)

• title page

• headings: See outline above for heading title ideas

• page numbers

• in-text citations

• reference page