Ableism and Mental Health : Demonstrate your learning from Lesson 8 in an infographic, providing an overview of either mental health and discrimination or ableism. 

Ableism and Mental Health

Demonstrate your learning from Lesson 8 in an infographic, providing an overview of either mental health and discrimination or ableism.


Review the course information from Lesson #8 prior to starting this assignment.


In order to complete this assignment:

  • Review information from Lesson #8
  • You will design an infographic that provides an overview of either mental health and discrimination or ableism. There was an infographic provided as an exemplar in Lesson


  • After summarizing what you feel are the main ideas for your topic, you should use the templates from either or to design an infographic
  1. Your topic should address either ableism or mental health and you should include the following:
  • Statistics about ableism/mental health in Canada
  • Images or cartoons that provide commentary about ableism/mental health in Canada • Information summarizing what you feel are the main issues relating to ableism/mental health in Canada
  • Reference to groups who are helping advocate for disability rights or people experiencing mental health issues
  • To complete this, you may use any website you would like, but I would recommend or since both have templates for Infographics that would make your work easier.

• Please add a separate document for your References