Analysing axial codes in relation to given themes : Provide an explanatory account of the relationships between the axial codes and the key theme(s) that, according to your analysis, explains what is ‘going on’ in the data and helps to address the research aim.

Analysing axial codes in relation to given themes

Part 1 – 500 words

a) Theme 1 – 250 words

b)Theme 2 – 250 words

Provide an explanatory account of the relationships between the axial codes and the key theme(s) that, according to your analysis, explains what is ‘going on’ in the data and helps to address the research aim.

Part 2 – 250 words

Scholarly critique – critique of research design and other suggestions for improvement

All of the datasets and details can be found in coding report brief

Both interview and focus group transcripts are uploaded for you to understand the context.

Each theme 250 words.