Health implication : Write a 1-page double spaced summary based on a topic of your choice from course BIOL 2020.

Health implication

Write a 1-page double spaced summary based on a topic of your choice from course BIOL 2020.

  • Relate your topic to a disease, disorder, syndrome, or health implication that you are interested in.
  • 1 page (max), double spaced, 11-12 pt. font Arial or Calibri, 2.5-inch margins or standard.

Introduction (3 marks)

Brief description of topic
Brief description of disease, disorder, syndrome, or health implication
How are these related

Discussion (5 marks)

Relate the biochemistry topic to your area of interest
Explain the implications, effects, mechanism

Conclusion (3 marks)

concluding remarks, can propose treatment mechanism

References (2 marks)
APA style
Cite all sources, primary research papers are best, textbook is acceptable
Correct formatting for reference list
in text citations

Spelling, grammar, and writing (2 marks)

Use technical scientific terminology
Clarity of writing (explaining and interpreting)
Marks will be deducted for multiple spelling and grammar errors