Data and Galiath : Briefly summarize the topic and the author main points.Discuss 4 things that you agree and 4 dislikes from the book. Explain 4 reasons why you agree and disagree with the author.

Data and Galiath

Data and Galiath (The Hidden Battles to Collect Your Data and Control Your World), by Bruce Schneier.

1.) Briefly summarize the topic and the author main points.

2.) Discuss 4 things that you agree and 4 dislikes from the book. Explain 4 reasons why you agree and disagree with the author.

3.) Describe how and why these ideas are problematic. How could you revise or improve these ideas?

4.) Describe 4 ideas you have learned from the book? Explain how these ideas challenge old believes and existing ways.

5.) What 2 advices would you give the audience?

• Please go into details
• First and third person
• 3 References