Response : Provide a 1 page peer responses to the following.


Provide a 1 page peer responses to the following:

Nursing informatics (NI) is a mixture of various sciences. It is a combination of nursing science, information science, and computer science. NI helps in managing and processing the data and information to deliver excellent health care to our patients. Wisdom in simple words is the appropriate application of knowledge to a specific situation. Wisdom utilizes understanding and experience to reinforce common sense and awareness to exercise sound decisions invaluable matters (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2018). Nursing judgment, on the other hand, is a group of decisions that include behaviors along with certain cognitive processes related to various issues.

Both wisdom in NI and the concept of professional nursing judgment are important for patient outcomes. They both focus on the proper application of knowledge that correlates with appropriate intervention. When we discuss wisdom vs. nursing judgment, Patricia Benner’s theory “From Novice to Expert” comes to my mind. Every nurse goes through these stages in their nursing career. To grow within the field a nurse must obtain expertise in the field first. When nurses become competent in their respective clinical areas, they gain knowledge and experience. Then that helps them gain wisdom to process clinical data and reasoning in making a nursing judgment.

Clinical reasoning is a term that can interchangeably be used with clinical judgment, critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision making. It is also reflected in the DIKW transformation. The data-information-knowledge-wisdom (DIKW) model has been usually adopted in nursing informatics. When we talk about the digitization of health systems the conception of DIK, and the addition of wisdom are important expansions in articulating and making nursing work visible (Ronquillo & Rodney, 2018). Data are thought of as a symbol or set of symbols that have very little independent meaning, relevance, or purpose. Information occurs when the data become applicable or builds up a purpose. Knowledge occurs with the application of data and information to obtain relevance and significance. Wisdom is knowledge that is applied practically.

I use DIKW at my work by acquiring data from the computer and using the information to create a plan of care for my patients. Then while taking care of these patients, I apply my nursing knowledge and experience. Wisdom is utilized to deliver the quality care the patient deserves which in turn brings patient and family satisfaction. For instance, the patient comes to the hospital, the nurse admits the patient and enters all pertinent information into the computer. This information is reviewed by MD. The other disciplines get notified of all this relevant communication verbally as well as via progress notes on computers. The entire time nurse is using their wisdom from previous experience and years of experience in this field, to enhance the care of this patient. The patient verbalized having a great experience and complete satisfaction.