The rate of activity of an enzyme : Write a report about the catalaze experiment.

The rate of activity of an enzyme.

Write a report about the catalaze experiment:

  • Get a tall 250 cm3 beaker
  • Add 5 cm3 of dishsoap with a 10 cm3 syringe
  • Add 7 cm3 of 3% hydrogen peroxide with a 10 cm3 measuring cylinder and gently swirl the two liquids without generating bubbles
  • Stir the 5% yeast solution and add 15 cm3 with a 50 cm3 measuring cylinder to the beaker
  • Let the reaction occur for 2 minutes
  • Measure the foam’s height with a ruler
  • Discard the reaction in the sink
  • Repeat the reaction and the measurement adding 10 cm3 of 3% hydrogen peroxide instead of 7 cm3

This must be the structure of the report:
1. Title
2. Research Question
3. Background Information (remember to add in-text citations!)
4. Hypothesis
5. Variables (independent, dependent and controlled)
6. Materials (add size, units and uncertainties)
7. Method
8. Safety, Environmental and Ethical issues

It is for an IB Diploma