Neurodevelopmental Disorders : Discuss the findings of 2 of the articles listed in our readings  and share how this information can assist you in conceptualizing clients or students and neurodevelopmental disorders.

Neurodevelopmental Disorders

A. Defined as a group of conditions characterized by an early onset and persistent course that are believed to be the result of disruptions to normal brain development Differ from anxiety and depression in that they must have their onset during childhood

1. Differ from ODD and CD in that they are believed to be the result of significant delays or disruptions in brain development that persist into adulthood.

2. Heterogeneous in nature, but often overlap and share common risk factors

Autism and Intellectual Disability

1) For this TD, discuss the findings of 2 of the articles listed in our readings  and share how this information can assist you in conceptualizing clients or students and neurodevelopmental disorders. USE ONE OF THESE ARTICLES THAT ARE ATTACHED HERE:

Knouse, Teller & Brooks (2017)

Battaglia, Detrick & Fernandez (2016)

Minshawi, Hurwitz, Morriss & McDougle (2015)

Ramsay & Rostain (2016)

La Roche, Bush & D’Angelo (2018)

Part of being effective and ethical clinicians is being consumers of research and applying current findings. How do you translate these articles into your formulation, conceptualization, treatment planning and prognosis?

2) Additionally, I wanted to draw our attention to some interesting statistics that have recently emerged (within the last 15 years or so) within the state of New Jersey. New Jersey has the highest incidence of diagnosed autism, with some reports of 1:22 boys receiving a diagnosis. Given that we are being called on to provide services, in New Jersey and other states, to children and families who are addressing neurodevelopmental disorders, what do these trends mean for us? I am attaching a couple of links to two fairly recent news articles that offer a brief description and overview of the data nationally and within New Jersey.