Airway and breathing case study : Discuss in detail the pathophysiology of an infective exacerbation of COPD. How is this related this to Atsuto’s current condition as described above? What evidence exists to show that his condition is well managed or not well managed? Explain your rationale.  Support your discussion with evidence from literature

Airway and breathing case study

(word count between these counts cannot be less than minimum requirement and cannot be more than maximum word limit)

Q1 – minimum 350-500 max words

Q2 – min 350-500 maxwords

Q3 – 350-600 words

Q4 350-600 words


Use your core text books

PEER REVIEWED research from the last 5 years – APA REFERENCING 7TH EDITION



Case study starts

Atsuto is an 80-year-old Japanese man who has lived in Australia for 25 years. He speaks limited English and lives with his wife and two sons. Both sons were born in Australia and attend university. Atsuto used to work at the Sydney Fish Market until his retirement some 10 years ago. Since then he has kept busy with his small garden in the inner suburb of Sydney. His enjoyments in life are talking with his sons, gardening and sitting on the front veranda smoking cigarettes. He does not drink alcohol but does smoke about one and a half packets of cigarettes a day and has done so since he was 17.He was diagnosed with emphysema when he was 62 caused by his smoking. His father died from lung cancer when he was 45 years old and his mother died from coronary artery disease 15 years ago. Both of his brothers also have coronary artery disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Atsuto was diagnosed about 20 years ago with hypertension and 8 years ago with COPD.

Question 1

Discuss in detail the pathophysiology of an infective exacerbation of COPD. How is this related this to Atsuto’s current condition as described above? What evidence exists to show that his condition is well managed or not well managed? Explain your rationale.  Support your discussion with evidence from literature

Question 2

Why is a patient with COPD at greater risk of a respiratory tract infection? Describe the pathophysiology of Atsuto’s breathlessness – include in your answer why an infective exacerbation of COPD would cause breathlessness. You should refer to pathophysiology, epidemiology (the Australian and global context) and justify your discussion with evidence from relevant literature.

Question 3

Describe your priority nursing interventions for Atsuto in detail and give and explanation for why each intervention is a priority.

  • Identify 3 priority nursing assessments you will undertake for this patient and describe why these are important
  • How will you plan this care? Include priorities of care and argue why these are important alongside long and short term goals
  • Identify 3 priority nursing referrals that you will make for this patient
  • Analyse how you will evaluate the effectiveness of the interventions and include what you would expect to see and why.

Use your core texts and peer reviewed journal articles form the last 5 years to support your argument.

Question 4

In this section, students are required to examine the pathophysiology behind the disease process for which the patient is on oxygen.

  • Outline why the patient in this case study is being administered oxygen. What evidence exists to show this is effective? Compare BiPAP to CPAP and discuss which would be of more benefit to Atsuto in his current condition. Explain your rationale?



Use your core text books

PEER REVIEWED research from the last 5 years – APA REFERENCING 7TH EDITION