Describe the different reactions to the killing of Breonna Taylor in Kentucky and the killing of George Floyd in Minnesota. Was it gender based, or did the recorded video make a difference in the outrage and protests for change? In that scenario, do videos have a value?

College Federal Government course

1. Describe the different reactions to the killing of Breonna Taylor in Kentucky and the killing of George Floyd in Minnesota. Was it gender based, or did the recorded video make a difference in the outrage and protests for change? In that scenario, do videos have a value?

2.  Explain why Congress does not have the power to have applied the Religious Freedom and Restoration Act to state and local governments.

3. Can a person’s religious rights trump another person’s rights as a citizen?

4. Explain why police officers would benefit from more than 8 hours of de- escalation training.

5. The podcast mentions that a goal of a unifying set of standards and certification of agencies and licensing of officers would be a good way to mitigate the problems seen in policing today. Share your thoughts in 3-5 sentences.

6. Describe some characteristics of situations that public defenders encounter with their clients.

7. Explain how the system has defined “accountability” and how right now prison is how we now hold people accountable.

8. Explain what it means that anti- blackness doesn’t skip over Black immigrants or their kids.

9. Explain the foundation of the racial wealth gap.

10. How did Chief Justice William Renquist’s argument that the Miranda Warning had become embedded in American national culture effect Dickerson v. United States?

11. Explain the standards of Strict Scrutiny in determining Constitutionality and how Ruth Bader Ginburg used it in her fight for women’s rights.

12. Explain previous laws and Supreme Court decisions that discriminate against women. Then, explain why was it a big deal that men could not purchase beer until age 21 could at 18? Explain this disparity and its significance.

13. what was the “farm colonization of South Texas”? How did that process contribute to the high level of violence on the US-Mexico boarder in the early 20th century?

14. Explain the analogy of Black and brown communities as kindling, that only need one match to ignite.

15. Describe in what ways the Coronavirus pandemic is making people more empathetic and causing more white people to join the cause of social justice.

16. Explain the power white women have over those existing in a Black body. Include the meaning behind the white women saying that Black men are threatening them. Why is this significant, and why is it a form of supremacy?

17. Explain how memes bring attention to acts of casual supremacy against Black people.

18. According to the podcast, what were some of the methods that local governments and pro-segregation institutions used to discourage activists ( both Black and white) from supporting desegregation? Why do you think those methods were employed?