What steps are involved in enforcing the law/attempting to resolve the dispute? (1 page) 3. What proof would be required to establish that a violation has occurred?

Employment Law :Fair Labor Standards Act

The paper should be no more than 1500 words in length (about 6 pages). Your research
should be thorough, but does not have to be exhaustive – footnotes appreciated. I am
much less interested in a recitation of facts or cataloging of provisions than in your own
analysis of the topic.

Your paper should be written EITHER from the point of view of workers who believe
their rights have been violated OR a Human Resources Manager who is responsible for
complying with the law. Your paper should take the form of a briefing paper and could
be structured roughly as follows:

1. A brief description of the main provisions of the law (you may choose to discuss only
part of the law) and a summary statement of why the law or part of the law is significant
(1 page).

2. What steps are involved in enforcing the law/attempting to resolve the dispute?
(1 page)

3. What proof would be required to establish that a violation has occurred? (1 page)

4. What is the likely remedy if a violation is proven)? (1 page)

5. Conclusion: How could a violation be avoided? (1 page)