Albania Case Study : Provide an historical chronology ,specific dates and times that shaped the nation.Were they colonized by whom?When did they get independence? Did they had to wage a struggle for independence?

Albania Case Study

Approx. 18 pages minimum-Times New Roman 12 font, double spaced. Word_doc.

Background Information

Provide general and in-depth details on the country of your choice.

Historical Factors

Provide an historical chronology ,specific dates and times that shaped the nation.Were they colonized by whom?When did they get independence? Did they had to wage a struggle for independence?

Political Structure

Provide information on the type of government/governance the type of governmental institutions the nation has adopted.

Societal Factors

Provide information on the social societal structure and the factors associated with the standard of living men women children lifespan.What role religion plays in the lives of the citizens if any.

Political Culture

Identity and provide information on the type of politics the nation exhibits- how does the political culture affects its relationship with other nations how does the geographic location and its religious affinity affects its sense of identity.

Economic Systems

Provide information on the economic wealth of the nation- mineral resources if any-the type of economic system practiced- provide information on its relationship with the IMF- World Bank and other lending institutions if any-state whether these relationships shape the type of economic policies that the government pursue.


Give a pragmatic summary of the nation from its inception to the present and an assessment /outlook for the future.