Financial Accounting : Prepare presentation slides with accompanying speaker notes that you can use to deliver the topic the learners.

Financial Accounting


You have recently joined the Accounting Faculty at the local
As part of the induction programme, all undergraduates complete a short course in the Foundations of Financial Accounting. You have been assigned the role of programme tutor.In preparation for the course, you need to prepare a range of materials that can used to deliver the programme. To introduce the course, you plan to deliver a presentation to the group and provide the
group with a copy of the presentation slides and speaker notes for reference. As the main section of the course will relate to the production of financial accounting records, you have decided to prepare a range of case studies which illustrate the key financial accounting principles.


Prepare presentation slides with accompanying speaker notes that you can use to deliver the topic the learners.

The presentation slides and speaker notes should include:

• An evaluation of different inventory methods.

• An explanation of the purpose of preparing final accounts for sole traders and partnerships.

• An analysis of the financial statements of a specific business organisation