Which theories of social justice are most representative of the philosophy of the movement?

Social justice

Provide examples when possible.

1. Which theories of social justice are most representative of the philosophy of the movement?

2. What was the origin of the justice issue and which stage of development has the social movement reached?

3. What social institutions are being affected by the advocates and activism of a movement’s participants?

4. How have the events and social movements achieved the goals of Restorative Justice?

5. What are the successes or failures of the movement in gaining access, equity, rights, and participation for the members of the disadvantaged population?
Correctly cite all sources. Use course material and your own essays to support your answers.

Section 3: In 1-2 pages, conclude your final paper.

Your paper should be double-spaced and include a cover page with a centered title. Any sources used should be properly cited in MLA format.

Approximately 7-10 pages, with each paragraph consisting of 5 substantive sentences.
One-inch margins and double spaced.
Times New Roman 12.0 pt.
This includes a cover page and reference page.

Citations should be accurately executed in the following MLA style.