Social Geography : Drawing on the Rodriquez chapter on Hispanic and the Reel Injun documentary identify the institutions that use language and images to attach specific meaning to racial and ethnic categories. Provide three examples of how the institutions you identify attach meaning to Hispanics and Native Americans.

Social Geography


Write a essay drawing on the material covered during the readings.

Derrida argues that text and speech reveals structures of power (religious, education,government institutions, corporations).

Drawing on the Rodriquez chapter on Hispanic and the Reel Injun documentary identify the institutions that use language and images to attach specific meaning to racial and ethnic categories. Provide three examples of how the institutions you identify attach meaning to Hispanics and Native Americans.

Your essay should draw on the readings, videos or chapters. Including personal insights on current events in your analysis that you directly link to the concepts, theories, and events discussed in class are encouraged. Please review the essay guidelines for additional information.

Essay Guidelines
1. Paper responses should show evidence of an analytical argument, in which you take a position.

2. Begin with a clear thesis statement that summarizes the point you wish to make. For example, you might argue that race is a social construct.

3. Offer two to three points that support your thesis statement. Support each of the points with evidence from the readings and lectures. Use your own words. Keep quotes to a minimum, if at all, using only phrases, not paragraphs. Cite sources, that is course readings/lectures, with author name and page number or L and date for lecture in parentheses.

4. Make direct connections to the readings. Use course material to support your points.Don’t speculate based on your experience.

5. You may bring personal experience and insights into your papers by connecting them with course readings.

6. Conclude your paper by formulating a statement that logically draws a conclusion from your 2-3 main points. This statement should be a re-expression of your  statement.

7. Work cited or bibliographies are not required since you will draw only from course materials. References are required however for the FINAL REPORT