What impact has COVID-19 had on the public policy and budget process in relation to executive decision-making?

Public policy and budget process

Read the question carefully and provide an in-depth response. Adhere to APA 7th Edition style within the body of your response and references page.

Public budgeting occurs on a cyclical cycle involving execution, review, and planning. Executive leaders are often required to review, justify, and approve agency or office budgets, considering internal and external influences, some of which can be political, social, or economic. Public law and policy implementation can impact the entire budget cycle.

What impact has COVID-19 had on the public policy and budget process in relation to executive decision-making?

You are permitted to narrow the response to federal, state, or local governments if needed. Your exam answer must meet APA 7th edition requirements. The paper needs to be at least 22 pages in length, Times New Roman font, 12-point font size, double spaced, and 1-inch margins. The title page, abstract, full-page graphics, and References pages will not be counted towards the total page count.

Grading Criteria:

Provides rigorous support in the response in terms of research and academic literature – 50 points

Answers the question being asked – 25 points
Incorporates creativity or “steps outside the box” – 15 points
Adds clarity and uses proper academic writing/APA style – 10 points