Descriptive Statistics : Differentiate between range, interquartile range, standard deviation, degrees of freedom.

Descriptive Statistics

1. Reading Assignment (20 points): Read Chapter 6 ,“Descriptive Statistics”, in the textbook Statistics for Evidence-based Practice in Nursing (2017)

Answer the following questions in your own words:

a. What is the purpose of computing descriptive statistics? Why should we include these with graphical displays of a data set?

b. Which measure of central tendency and variability should be reported when an unusual data value is present in the data set? Explain?

c. The 95% confidence interval for sodium content level in 32 nursing home patients is (4.250 mg/day, 4,750 mg/day). What does this confidence interval tell us?

d. Differentiate between range, interquartile range, standard deviation, degrees of freedom.