Identify whether there are socioeconomic issues involved, specifically regarding access to the technology.

Gamers and for online activities

Virtual reality has become more prevalent and available for gamers and for online activities. The youth of today enjoy the realistic aspect of virtual reality, and other forms of wearable technology influence children and teens.

Select a current event that represents how wearable, media-based smart technology affects child and teen behavior. Create a 3- slide PowerPoint presentation and complete the following instructions:

*Identify whether there are socioeconomic issues involved, specifically regarding access to the technology.

*Present 2 opposing sides regarding this technology and the different perceptions about the effects it may have on behavior. How are these perspectives presented?
NOTE: ADD Discuss your Learning Team’s suggested changes that would need to occur in media to address this situation. (NOTE): Include speaker notes.

Cite any sources to support your assignment.


Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.