Ten musical instruments are listed at the bottom of this assignment.  For each one, list the family it belongs to, using both the traditional family grouping and the newer type of classification.

Musical instruments

Ten musical instruments are listed at the bottom of this assignment.  For each one, list the family it belongs to, using both the traditional family grouping and the newer type of classification.

The 1st response for each instrument  should always be one of these four words: strings, brass, woodwind, percussion.

And the second response should be one of these four: aerophone, chordophone, idiophone, membranophone.

1)  clarinet
2)  trumpet
3)  flute
4)  snare drum
5)  xylophone
6)  cello
7)  viola
8)  timpani (or kettledrum)
9)  trombone
10)  oboe