Social Media Campaign : Choose and brainstorm a one Social Media Campaign scenario which is provided below, create a social media campaign for the organization.

Social Media Campaign

Choose and brainstorm a one Social Media Campaign scenario which is provided below, create a social media campaign for the organization.

1. A new market, sparkling water company would like to generate buzz about their new product.

2. A local non-profit organization that helps veterans find jobs is in need of additional employer partnerships.

3: A cancer research facility would like to generate additional funding for a research project.

4. A major car manufacturer would like to generate a buzz about their newest mid-size vehicle.
5. A make-up company would like to drive awareness to the organic ingredients being used in their products.

6. A baseball team would like to increase their ticket sales.

Use these questions to help organize your ideas before developing a formal proposal;

  1. Name the organization and product/service you will be marketing.
  2. Describe the key features and benefits of the product or service.
  3. Name or provide a tagline for your social media campaign.
  4. Who is your target market? Provide information about demographics, geographic, and psychographic.
  5. What platforms will you use for the campaign? Why were these platforms selected?
  6. How will you encourage your target audience to interact or engage with the post(s)?