Ethical construct : Select an ethical or legal construct/issue and write a 4–5-page double spaced APA paper, selecting a minimum of 3-5 references (within the past 5 years).

Ethical construct

Select an ethical or legal construct/issue and write a 4–5-page double spaced APA paper, selecting a minimum of 3-5 references (within the past 5 years).

The topic is to be connected to a Nursing perspective.

Topics should be selected from the list below, or created alone, with approval from the instructor.

Possible Topics:

  1. Informed Consent
  2. Reproductive Issues
  3. Prenatal Life
  4. Social and Experimental Issues (ie Experimental Drugs for Dying Patients)
  5. Medical Nutrition and Hydration
  6. Determining Life and Death
  7. Moral Stress
  8. Nursing Standard of Care
  9. Palliative Care
  10. Adverse Events and the role of the Institute of Medicine (IOM)
  11. HIPAA
  12. EMTALA
  13. Advanced Directive
  14. Submit your completed assignment.

Should be submitted as a Word document.