Read and cite at the very least 5-7 references for each of the topics and write a review of above articles.

Behavioural Economics Critical Review Essay

Trendl, A., Stewart, N., & Mullett, T. L. (2021). A zero attraction effect in naturalistic choice.Decision, 8(1), 55–68.

Read and cite at the very least 5-7 references for each of the topics and write a review of above articles.

Essays based on more references (especially scientific articles) tend to get higher marks. Do not start looking for
other random papers but make sure to start exploring the topic by looking at the reference list
provided by each of the papers above.

o Brief exposition of the topic under study and main findings previous to this
o Goal of the study under review.
• Summary of the study and main findings (including important methodological
o How does it investigate the question(s) under study?
• Critical review
o How does the study add to other related literature in the field?
o Are the conclusions well supported based on the data presented?
o What are the theoretical and practical implications of these findings?
o Do you see any limitations in the study? And potential future directions for further