What are CRT’s most important insights and principles? What purposes does CRT serve?

Critical Race Theory

Jacob Forman and Mohammed Shafia both murdered their families. The media coverage of the murders is the subject matter of this assignment, which has two parts. First, students will explain what Critical Race Theory (“CRT”) is.

What are CRT’s most important insights and principles? What purposes does CRT serve?

Second, having provided a synopsis of CRT, students will assess the stories of the Forman and Shafia murders using a CRT lens. Are there similarities between the two stories? Are they depicted similarly in media accounts? Are they treated similarly in the legal realm? What does a CRT lens have to show us?

Length: 1250-1500 words excluding notes, bibliography and title page.


Students should double space their papers using a 12-point font and standard (1 inch) margins.

Use the Chicago style for citations and bibliography.