Demonstrate a knowledge of the relevant theories underpinning physical examination techniques and the ability to perform them, with an understanding of the relevant investigative and diagnostic procedures.

Developing Practice In History

Demonstrate application and an ability to evaluate the undertaking of a structured comprehensive history taking process within a consultation; identifying the underlying concepts, consultation models and interpersonal skills needed to perform them in the prehospital environment.

Evaluate and reflect upon the interpersonal skills and modifications in approach which may be required to account for aspects of difference, diversity or age of the patient and any aspects of safeguarding which might need to be considered.

Demonstrate a knowledge of the relevant theories underpinning physical examination techniques and the ability to perform them, with an understanding of the relevant investigative and diagnostic procedures.

Demonstrate knowledge and critical understanding of the process of differential diagnosis and the development of clinical judgement and reasoning, understanding the limits of your own knowledge and how this might limit your interpretations and analysis.