From your readings of the Introduction, the poems, and the notes included in the textbook, what are the key values of the speakers in these poems? Quote specific examples from the poems to support your stance.

Native American Oral Literature

Create a complete essay, 5-7 paragraphs. That essay should include an introduction that narrows to an argument. That argument should foreshadow the main ideas of your body paragraphs. After the introduction, you want to include 3-5 body paragraphs based on the paragraph plan shared in Module resources. And after the body paragraphs, wrap up your essay with a conclusion, then a Works Cited in MLA format. You are not required to use outside sources, but if you do, cite them also in MLA format.

*remember: no I–no first person allowed in essays.

Each essay should be 250 or more words.

Question for this week:

In the poetry section of Native American Oral Literature, we read “Cherokee War Song,” and “Lenape War Song.”

From your readings of the Introduction, the poems, and the notes included in the textbook, what are the key values of the speakers in these poems? Quote specific examples from the poems to support your stance.