Based on Milgram experiment for observing human obedience, as a student of social work having studied the ethical guidelines, do you feel the experiment is ethically right? If not, how else it could have been conducted?

Social Work Research

List each of the major ethical guidelines emphasized in your text.

Briefly describe the purpose of a hypothetical research study that would be valuable to carry out but would violate the guideline.

For each unethical research study you listed, identify an alternative, ethical research study that would address the same question.

Based on Milgram experiment for observing human obedience, as a student of social work having studied the ethical guidelines, do you feel the experiment is ethically right? If not, how else it could have been conducted?

Case Study Questions

Benjamin runs a shelter for the homeless. His friend Rose a social worker by profession supports him in this venture by being a volunteer on the days she is free. Rose was assigned to a new project and was asked to review a few shelters for the homeless on – how well they functioned? The availability of enough beds, etc. Benjamin’s shelter was on her list to review. She did not disclose this information to him and went ahead and did her review for the place with the pretexting of volunteering there as always.

What were the ethical codes of conduct that Rose broke?

Discuss the concept of “Anonymity” with respect to the above case.

How much of Rose’s bias do you think influenced her ratings? And why?