Identify professional use of self with this population through identifying your strengths and needs in working with colleagues, clients, organizations, and communities that address and advance social and economic justice issues.

Systems Analysis.

Analyze and assess at-risk populations within their communities.

Develop the Model Program Presentation, due in Unit 10, which analyzes, addresses, and applies specific interventions and evaluations to address an at-risk populations’ needs.

Analyze and assess an at-risk population within your community, such as homeless people, patients of mental health resources, survivors of domestic violence, or high-risk youth.

  • As the populations you will analyze may include or represent emerging issues, some of your data sources may not be peer-reviewed. You may need to consult local artifacts, like newspapers, or conduct personal interviews with people such as local leaders.
  • Remember, you will use this information to develop a model program presentation, due in Unit 10, in which you will analyze, address, and apply specific interventions and evaluations to address the at-risk population’s needs.

Assignment Instructions

In your assignment, include the following:

Analyze statistics and demographics of the at-risk population within your community.

Analyze the client population’s strengths and limitations.

Analyze the community systems and include the following aspects:

Describe the leadership structure and how leaders impact the population.

Describe how the use of technology impacts this population.

Describe the political, economic, social, cultural, geographical, and environmental contexts to shape the advanced generalist for this at-risk population.

Analyze the dimensions and differentiation in diversity, and apply the influence of relationships, intervention techniques, and technologies with diverse clients, families, groups, organizations, and communities.

Analyze how the influence of relationships, intervention techniques, and technologies may be impacted by the dimensions of difference and diversity.

Assess the identified population’s needs within your community.

Identify the needed resources, counseling, funding, and services for your target population or system based on your systems analysis.

Identify professional use of self with this population through identifying your strengths and needs in working with colleagues, clients, organizations, and communities that address and advance social and economic justice issues.

Submission Requirements

Written communication:

  • Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.

APA formatting:

  • Resources, citations, title page, and reference page should be formatted according to current APA style and formatting standards.

Cited resources:

  • Minimum of five scholarly sources. All literature cited should be current, with publication dates within the past five years.

Length of paper: 5–8 double-spaced pages.

  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.