Based on the website (or computer clock), what is the exact time right now?What is the U.S. population right now?

Human Population Growth Computer Lab Activity

Note: Most information for this activity was taken from

Worries about human population growth are not new phenomena. A little over 200 years ago (1798) Thomas
Malthus published An Essay on the Principle of Population. He identified the fact that the human population
expansion was outpacing the production of food. Prior to 1950, the death rate was high, which kept the numbers
of humans from increasing rapidly. In the 19th Century, the agricultural revolution increased food production
and the industrial revolution improved methods of transporting food and other goods. The 2oth Century
produced advances in medicine, sanitation and nutrition, further improving life expectancy.


Answer each question in the space provided. Direct links to each of the needed websites can be found on the class website.

Note: Some questions require you to calculate percent change. As a reminder, the percent change formula is:
Percent Change = (Final Initial)/Initial x 100

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1. Based on the website (or computer clock), what is the exact time right now?

2. What is the U.S. population right now?

Most countries are trying to reduce their growth rate. Zero population growth means that as many people are being born as there are dying. To achieve zero population growth, each couple would need to have no more than
two children (to replace the parents). The rate of growth in developed nations has become more constant in recent years, while many developing nations are still growing exponentially.

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