Select one of the air transportation solutions discussed in the module readings, and then analyze and evaluate the travel and company culture factors that would make that transportation solution a viable option for a business.

Flight operations options in aviation

As illustrated in the module readings, there are numerous flight operations options available to a business. Which option is best for the business depends upon a number of travel factors, including the size of the company, the number of trips taken, the frequency and distance of those trips, the need for immediacy of travel, and the company culture itself? Company culture includes such items as the company’s views toward the value of time, the need to be face-to-face, and the premium placed upon safety and security.

Select one of the air transportation solutions discussed in the module readings, and then analyze and evaluate the travel and company culture factors that would make that transportation solution a viable option for a business.

Provide examples to support your contentions.Support your work by citing and referencing a reliable source(s).

Sheehan, J. J. (2013). Business and corporate aviation management (Second). McGraw-Hill Education.