Select any two theories of leadership, briefly describe their essential principles and assess the extent to which your chosen model can still be found in organisations generally and your own organization or one you know well. Draw on specific examples from one or more organisations to illustrate your answer. Be critical and draw on strengths and weaknesses of the two theories.

Leadership in Human Resources.

This piece of assessment is made up of three parts. Read them carefully and complete each one. It is absolutely crucial that you use both the materials I provide and outside sources! Not using the materials I have provided will blow the cover completely.

Part (a)

Select any two theories of leadership, briefly describe their essential principles and assess the extent to which your chosen model can still be found in

(i) organisations generally and (ii) your own organisation or one you know well. Draw on specific examples from one or more organisations to illustrate your answer. Be critical and draw on strengths and weaknesses of the two theories.

Part (b)

Choose one of the professional skills you have studied in units 4 and 5 and which you have identified as an area in which you wish to develop your skills. With reference to the materials you have studied, explain why you believe that this skill is important for you as an HR professional.

Part (c)

Provide a sample of your skills portfoliowhich demonstrates how you have gone about developing this skill and how you propose to continue this development in the future. This should include your objective for developing this skill, evidence of how you have practised it in the workplace and your learning from reflection on this practice.

Guidance: key points for students re TMA02

This TMA should be written in an essay style.

You should:

Answer both parts of the question.