Organization Capacity : Write a paper that describes your research, and includes a SWOT analysis of the characteristics sought by recruiters.

Organization Capacity.

Research the importance of thoughtful employee selection when considering candidates to work in the development of the organization’s capacity.

Focus on the key activity of training and development of capacity personnel, to develop precision and a high sense of quality in the creation and transmission of an organization’s goods and services.

This research will provide you with further understanding of the value of capacity from the point of personnel recruitment, through thorough training, to the point of delivery of goods and/or service to the end-user, the customer. Such understanding is a key component of what is known as resource management.

Write a paper that describes your research, and includes a SWOT analysis of the characteristics sought by recruiters.

Support it with a minimum of 5 scholarly resources. Other appropriate resources may be used as needed.

To complete this assignment, be sure to address the following:

1) Research the importance of employee selection and training in the development of the quality of capacity in an organization.

2) Express how, from your research, you have gained further insight into the active meaning of capacity.

3) Carefully research the peer-reviewed sources to examine recruiting for capacity.
Make careful note of characteristics sought by recruiters for personnel to implement capacity. Employee selection for capacity positions demonstrates the course concept of system, process, and procedural improvement.


5-7 pages (including a SWOT analysis on page 1) not including title and reference pages


Include a minimum of 6 scholarly resources.