Analyze themes that reflect the human condition, such as economic, ethical, historical, personal, political, and/or social issues, discovered in literature. Focuses on elements such as plot, character, and conflict.

Deontology & “A Few Good Men”

•Analyze themes that reflect the human condition, such as economic, ethical, historical, personal, political, and/or social issues, discovered in literature. Focuses on elements such as plot, character, and conflict.

•Demonstrates how literature reflects human ethics and values and thus has relevance to today’s world.

Incorporates Research:

Uses and properly documents evidence from literary texts and secondary texts to compose original and insightful analysis

Essay Structure: Conclusion

The conclusion of the essay does not merely restate the thesis but summarizes the argument in addition to showing the relevance of the argument.
MLA Format: The essay is presented in MLA manuscript format.

Sources are the film “A Few Good Men” and “The Categorical Imperative” by Immanuel Kant, no others may be used.


  • Use direct textual evidence with correctly formatted citations from each of the sources
  • Establish a thesis in your introduction that answers the prompt
  • Use strong topic sentences in the body of your paper
    Write an essay that has an introduction, body, and conclusion
  • Minimum of 3 (full) pages (excluding the Works Cited page) but no more than 5 pages – papers of less than 3 pages will lose a letter grade
  • MLA format for short papers (no cover page)
  • 12pt Times New Roman or Calibri Font
  • Minimum of 5, no more than 8 sentence length quotations from your sources . Use and cite direct evidence from your sources!
  • Works Cited Page is not required