Solar Inc. Corporation : Create a recommendation presentation that includes the following:

Solar Inc. Corporation

Solar Inc. Corporation has decided to begin expanding globally within the next 18 months. The decision to expand includes the caveat that the expansion will take place in either Canada or Mexico. As the newly appointed manager of global expansion operations, you have been asked to provide a presentation of your expansion recommendation on which country should be first. Your proposal should be based on your review of the challenges and opportunities of each country. Your presentation must discuss the political, economic, and cultural challenges and opportunities.

Create a recommendation presentation that includes the following:

General description of cultural, economic, and political challenges and opportunities (6 slides minimum), devoting at least 1 slide for each of the following points:

  1. Cultural challenges
  2. Economic challenges
  3. Political challenges
  4. Cultural benefits
  5. Economic benefits
  6. Political benefits

Description of the Canadian challenges and opportunities (3 slides), dedicating 1 slide for each of the following challenges and opportunities:

  1. Cultural
  2. Economic
  3. Political

Description of the Mexican challenges and opportunities (3 slides), dedicating 1 slide for each of the following challenges and opportunities:

  1. Cultural
  2. Economic
  3. Political

Recommendation based on the comparison between both countries, referring to earlier slides to conclude the discussion and provide a recommendation as to which country to expand to first (3 slides)

Use a minimum of 15 PowerPoint slides in your training presentation (not including a cover slide and a resource slide). Be sure to include speaker notes on each slide.