To Kill a Mockingbird Select one of the following and write creatively and accurately to express details from the given scene and expressions consistent with your character’s personality.

To Kill a Mockingbird

Select one of the following and write creatively and accurately to express details from the given scene and expressions consistent with your
character’s personality.

Walter eats at the Finch house -Ch 2
Jem loses (and finds) his pants -Ch 6 (and beg. 7)
Knothole gets filled with cement – Ch. 7
Miss Maudie’s house fire – Ch. 8
Atticus shoots Tim Johnson – Ch.10
Jem reads to Mrs. DeBose -Ch. 11
Calpernia takes the children to church. -Ch.12


2-3 pages MLA formatted (1.5 or double spacing)
1st Person Point of view is consistent with the character
Dialect of character is captured; language is appropriate to the voice, vocabulary, and grammatical conventions of the character
Plot events are discussed accurately
Organization of the narrative is clear and focused; paragraphs have a chronological
beginning, middle, and end consistent with the novel.
GUMS: Minimal grammatical, mechanical, and spelling errors


Narrative title should be your character’s name and the scene you are