Write a paper to prove that the speed limit on Rt. 270 needs to be increased.

Write a paper to prove that the speed limit on Rt. 270 needs to be increased.

1) State the problem or concept you are going to explore.

2) Develop an argumentative statement. The statement should state the primary goal of your paper.

3) The body of your work should focus on one or two of the ethical theories we have discussed in class.

4) Include outside sources to support your argument or help explore the issue at hand. These materials should be philosophical in nature. If anyone picks a topic and needs assistance in locating sources please speak with the instructor.

5) In your conclusion, be certain to restate the problem or concept that you explored and summarize your argument.

Structural Requirements:

1. Double spaced
2.  Text should appear in a font size that is no larger than 12pts.
3.  All documentation must be in MLA form.
4.  You must include at least four outside resources.
5.  5-8 pages in length