Automated Cranes at Container Terminals : Write a 3 page paper covering the benefits and disadvantages of utilizing automated cranes a container port.

Automated Cranes at Container Terminals.

Write a 3 page paper covering the benefits and disadvantages of utilizing automated cranes a container port.

The outline should provide an introduction paragraph and a conclusion one, along with information typically found within a research paper outline.

Utilizing the following for basics for outline and paper:

1. Introduction

Discuss the importance of container ports and how port cranes facilitate intermodal transportation on a global scale.

Introduce the concept of autonomous cranes and why this concept has sparked interest within the transportation industry over the last few years.

Ensure to end introduction with a thesis statement that pertains to how the benefits of utilizing autonomous cranes outweighs the disadvantages of using them.

2. Background

A. Discuss the history of the use of cranes at container ports and how their efficiency may diminish over time due to increased economies of scale.

B. Discuss the history of autonomous cranes at container ports and how they positively affected port operations at a specific large scale port terminal after their integration into the port’s infrastructure.

3. Benefits of Utilizing Autonomous Cranes .

A. Decreased vessel discharge/load times.

Discuss how autonomous cranes can drastically decrease vessel discharge/load times. Identify how this can benefit such things as lowering costs and increasing productivity.

B. Decreased safety incidents.

Discuss how autonomous cranes can drastically decrease safety incidents throughout a container terminal.

4. Autonomous Crane Use Opposing Viewpoints.

A. Infrastructure Project Costs.

Discuss the cost at which it takes to integrate autonomous cranes into terminal operations. Include not only the cranes, but also costs associated with maintaining them, synching the technology, and hiring specialized workers.

B. Cybersecurity Issues.

Discuss cybersecurity issues pertaining to autonomous cranes such as hackers and cyber terrorists. Discuss how their actions can compromise port operations pertaining to autonomous cranes.

C. Conclusion

Summarize the paper.